200 Hour Teacher Training

Begin your journey…

Metrowest Yoga blends the ancient Eastern art of yoga with the modern Western approach to exercise science and healing. This training is a current day approach to this ancient healing practice.

We create an atmosphere of healing and personal transformation while training you to be an authentic, confident and capable teacher. As you learn the skill of teaching you will also discover your tremendous strength, inner calm, and the brilliance of your spirit. You will learn how to teach from your heart and from your deepest personal experiences.

Whether to strengthen your practice or to learn how to teach, view this experience as training in how to live life more fully.

Upcoming Training Schedule

Upcoming Training Schedule

9 months, one weekend per month*

Saturdays + Sundays: 1 - 6 pm

*Plus 2 additional Saturday Anatomy Sessions

  • Next Session begins October 2025


    Oct 4/5

    Nov 1/2

    Dec 6/7


    Jan 3/4

    Feb. 7/8

    Mar 14/15

    Apr 11/12

    May 16/17

    June 13/14 (Graduation weekend)

    *Anatomy Sessions: Additional Saturdays, 1:30-4:30 with Ray: TBA

    [MYoga reserves the right to change the times. Some of the hours may be virtual.]

Includes: TWO unique workshops within above schedule. One additional workshop outside of calendar offered free!

Optional Offering: The Saturday + Sunday Flow Classes (11:45-12:45) of each training weekend are offered FREE to our trainees!

  • Yoga Sutras

    Kleishas and Samsara

    History of Yoga

    Anatomy and Alignment of all poses included in Metrowest Yoga Vinyasa Flow

    Gentle Restorative Techniques

    Subtle Body Anatomy

    Mindfulness Techniques


    Classroom Management


    Self Care Workshop

    Meridian Techniques

    Basic Assists/Alignment

    …and More!

What to Expect

  • Attend all nine weekend intensives

    Observe additional classes with designated instructors (3 classes total). This translates to attending any classes at Metrowest Yoga or approved studios and watching, observing and taking notes. (It does not include practicing at Metrowest Yoga.)

    Homework: Plan on 3 hours weekly in addition to your personal asana practice.

    This includes: practice teaching 2-3 times per week; journaling and meditation; reading and all other homework assignments.

  • How Yoga Works by Geshe Michael Roach

    Yoga Sutras of Patanjali : Ancient Wisdom for Your Yoga by Geshe Michael Roach and Lama Christie McNally

    Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra

    Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabot-Zinn

    The Key Muscles of Yoga: Scientific Keys Volume 1 by Ray long

    The Key Poses of Yoga: Volume 2 by Ray Long (optional)

    Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff

Unique to MYoga YTT:

Supplemental Workshops

Our calendar includes TWO unique workshops, offered by either one of our elite in house instructors or a special guest teacher. In addition, ONE workshop of your choosing outside of the training weekend hours is offered free.

Practice Hours

Our training includes ample practice teaching, allowing our trainees to really embody the learning and put it right into practice.

Apprenticeship Opportunity

Once you have completed your training through MYoga you will have the opportunity to jump right into teaching and connecting to our community of students with our Community Class offerings.

Mentorship Session

One additional private mentorship session is offered at the conclusion of your training (optional), to help you build confidence and prepare you for getting in front of a class.


  • Deposit: $500

    Required upon registration (or one-time full payment)

    Deposit is non-refundable.

  • Tuition: $3299

    Paid in full by start date.

  • Early Bird $3099

    Registered by Aug 1.

    $200 off.

    Paid in full by start date.



  • You are allowed to miss one day of the weekends without a makeup. Anything more than that will require make up time. If you miss more than a weekend you may need to schedule private or co-private sessions to complete the requirements.

  • 10% discount offered on 10 class pass [Regular cost $190]

    $79 Monthly Autopay [Regular cost $139]

  • MYTT200

    This is a Metrowest Yoga certification and is not associated with Yoga Alliance.

    The curriculum includes approximately 100 contact hours (in person study) and 100 non-contact hours (self study and practice).

To Register for the upcoming 200 HR YTT:

  1. Fill out application:

2. Make a payment:

Payment required upon registering.

Graduate Testimonial

“I recently completed a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) program, and the experience was transformative. The program was designed to deepen our understanding of yoga, both as a practice and a lifestyle, and to equip us with the skills necessary to become effective and inspiring yoga instructors.

The curriculum was comprehensive, covering various aspects of yoga…

Whether you aim to teach yoga or deepen your practice, I highly recommend it to anyone passionate about yoga and personal growth in their yoga practice.”

Equity Seats for our Trainings

It is essential that we expand the diversity of voices in our classrooms.

Currently, communities of color are widely underrepresented in our teachers and students. In acknowledgment of this and in hopes of shifting towards equity…

We offer 1 FULL SCHOLARSHIP to a BIPOC student for our 200 HR YTT cohort.

Interested in Teacher Training specific information? Add your name here…