Vidushi Singla

MYTT 200

My profound journey into yoga was shaped by the wisdom and dedication of my father, a traditional practitioner in India. Witnessing his disciplined routine, beginning each day with a 3 a.m. practice in serene surroundings, observing a vow of silence, and embodying the essence of yoga's eight limbs, instilled in me a deep reverence for the practice.

After my father's passing in 2019, I embarked on my own dedicated yoga journey. Despite facing challenges caring for my mother, who battled dementia and declining health, I found solace and resilience through my commitment to yoga. Balancing the demands of caregiving and the pursuit of inner peace, I remained devoted to my practice, attending classes in a studio 4-5 days a week. Amidst the trying times of caregiving, yoga became my anchor, keeping me centered and calm.

The passing of my mother in June 2023 marked a turning point. Embracing my passion for yoga and its profound impact on my life, I sought to deepen my understanding and share the transformative power of yoga with others. In July 2023, I earned my teacher certification, a testament to my dedication and belief in the traditional philosophy of yoga.

For me, yoga extends far beyond the physical; it is a holistic practice encompassing mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. My firsthand experience during my mother's illness reinforced my belief in yoga's ability to foster mindfulness and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

Off the mat, I find joy in walks with my husband, engaging in meaningful conversations with friends and family, and cherishing life's laughter. I embody a commitment to living authentically and consciously, seeking truthfulness and mindfulness in each passing day.


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